The Month of Nisan (Abib) in the Bible

The first month in the Jewish spiritual calendar is named Abib. In the civil or financial calendar it is the seventh month and is named Nisan. In a typical year there are thirty days in this month. In the Gregorian (Western) calendar it corresponds to the period from the middle of March to the middle of April. It is the time of Barley harvest - the earliest grain to be harvested.

Any hours shown are hours into the Jewish 24-hour day. The Jewish 24-hour day starts at the Western time of 6pm. This means that 06:00 below corresponds to the Western idea of midnight and 18:00 to the Western idea of midday.

All of the links to Bible passages below require a Bible app installed on your device. If you need one, you can download the Scripture Study Bible app for Windows using the link right at the bottom of the page.

Period Start Day End Day Event Year
Miscellaneous Barley harvest
Exodus 9:31; Ruth 1:22; II Samuel 14:30; 21:9; I Chronicles 20:1
Miscellaneous Jordan tends to overflow banks
Joel 2:23; I Chronicles 12:15; Joshua 3:15
Miscellaneous Ruth & Boaz
Ruth 1:22; 2:23; Leviticus 23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19
Israel’s Journey from Egypt Israel enters desert of Zin; Miriam dies
Numbers 20:1; 33:38,36
Kings of the Twelve Tribes “When kings go forth to battle”
II Samuel 11:1
Kings of the Twelve Tribes David delivers 7 of Saul’s descendants to Gibeonites
II Samuel 21:9
Kings of the Twelve Tribes Servants/David: Jashobeam (“the people will return”), son of Zabdiel (“gift of God”)
I Chronicles 27:2
Captivity in Babylon Lot cast before Haman to choose day of persecution
Esther 3:7
Captivity in Babylon Nehemiah is sad before Artaxerxes & Esther?
Nehemiah 2:1,6
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 1 Tabernacle first set up
Exodus 40:2,17
The Law of Moses 1 New Moon: 2x Trumpets blown, solemn feast day
Numbers 10:10; Psalm 81:3; I Samuel 20:18,24; II Kings 4:23; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1; Colossians 2:16; Amos 8:5
The Law of Moses 1 New Moon: Burnt Offerings
Numbers 28:11-15
Kings of Judah 1 Hezekiah opened & repaired doors of Temple
II Chronicles 29:17,3
Kings of Judah 1 8 Levites cleansed the Temple under Hezekiah
II Chronicles 29:17
Captivity in Babylon 1 Ezekiel ch. 29: prophecy against Egypt
Ezekiel 29:17; 1:1,1-2
Return from Captivity 1 Ezra travels to Jerusalem
Ezra 7:7-9,8
Return from Captivity Matter of separation (finish)
Ezra 10:17
Kingdom of God (Millennium) 1 New Moon: Burnt Offerings made in the Kingdom
Ezekiel 46:6
Kingdom of God (Millennium) 1 Sin Offering made in the Kingdom: posts, altar
Ezekiel 45:18
Captivity in Babylon 7 Ezekiel ch. 30: prophecy against Egypt again
Ezekiel 30:20; 1:1,1-2
Kingdom of God (Millennium) 7 Sin Offering made in the Kingdom: people
Ezekiel 45:20
Kings of Judah 9 16 Levites cleansed the Temple court under Hezekiah
II Chronicles 29:17
Gospels & Apostles 9 Jesus came to Bethany, Mary anoints His feet
John 12:1; Daniel 9:27
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 10 Israel arose out of Jordan under Joshua & camped in Gilgal
Joshua 4:19; Psalm 105:43-45
The Law of Moses 10 Passover Lamb chosen (male without blemish)
Exodus 12:3; 11:4
since 1446BC
Gospels & Apostles 10 Jesus enters Jerusalem on a young ass
John 12:12; Daniel 9:27; Zechariah 9:9; John 12:1
Return from Captivity 12 Ezra departs from river Ahava
Ezra 8:31; 7:7-9
Captivity in Babylon 13 King’s scribes publish Haman’s persecution of Mordecai
Esther 3:7,12
Gospels & Apostles 13 Feast of Unleavened Bread “nigh” – background to John 6 (?)
John 6:4,33-35,48; Luke 22:1
Gospels & Apostles 13 Mary anoints the feet of Jesus
Mark 14:1; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 26:7; Mark 14:3; John 12:3
Gospels & Apostles 13 Priests, scribes, elders, Caiaphas consulted to kill Jesus
Matthew 26:2; Mark 14:1; Daniel 9:27; Luke 22:1; 17:25
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 14 Israel keep passover in Gilgal under Joshua in plains of Jericho
Joshua 5:10
The Law of Moses 14 Passover Lamb slain (at even)
Exodus 12:6; Leviticus 23:5; Numbers 9:3; 28:16; Deuteronomy 16:1; II Chronicles 35:1
  • 24:00 - Passover lamb slain at even
since 1446BC
The Law of Moses 14 21 Feast of Unleavened Bread (eaten in evenings)
Exodus 12:18; Leviticus 23:6; Numbers 28:17; Exodus 34:18; II Chronicles 35:1; Exodus 13:4-6; 23:15; Deuteronomy 16:16; II Chronicles 8:13
  • 24:00 - Unleavened bread eaten 8 evenings over a 7-night span
since 1446BC
Kings of Judah 14 Great Passover in Josiah’s 18th year
II Chronicles 35:19; II Kings 23:23; II Chronicles 35:1
Captivity in Babylon 14 16 Esther, Mordecai & Jews in Shushan fast 3 days
Esther 3:7,12; 4:16
Return from Captivity 14 Passover kept by children of the captivity
Ezra 6:19,15
Gospels & Apostles 14 Jesus eats with disciples; dies; is buried
Matthew 26:17; John 13; John 18; John 19; Mark 14:12,17; Daniel 9:27; Luke 22:7; Mark 10:33
  • 00:00 - Disciples ask Jesus where the Passover meal should be prepared, intending to eat it later
  • 02:00 - “My time is at hand” – Jesus & disciples eat a ‘passover’ early (Luke 22:15, as it becomes dark); sop given to Judas
  • 04:00 - Jesus crosses Kidron with disciples, Judas betrays Him
  • 12:00 - Jesus taken to judgement hall, Jews avoid “defilement” ahead of Passover
  • 18:00 - Jesus is crucified; darkness falls
  • 21:00 - Jesus dies; darkness lifted; Joseph of Arimathea approaches Pilate
  • 24:00 - Jews kill the Passover lamb
  • 24:00 - Jesus’ 1st ‘day’ in the tomb ends (day-boundary crossed)
Kingdom of God (Millennium) 14 21 Passover kept in the Kingdom
Ezekiel 45:21
Before Israel entered Egypt 15 Abram, Terah & others depart from Ur
Exodus 12:41; Numbers 33:3; Galatians 3:16,17; Acts 7:2-6
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 15 Death of the firstborn in Egypt
Exodus 12:12; Psalm 135:8,9
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 15 Passover eaten; Israel left Egypt (Rameses)
Numbers 33:3; Exodus 12:8-12,29-34; Psalm 105:37,38; Jeremiah 23:7
  • 00:00 - Passover eaten in Egypt
  • 06:00 - Firstborn in Egypt die “about midnight”
  • 07:00 - Israel leave Egypt shortly after midnight
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 15 Israel eat of the corn of the land for the 1st time under Joshua
Joshua 5:11
The Law of Moses 15 1st full day of the Feast of Unleavened bread
Exodus 12:18; 13:4-6; Leviticus 23:6; Numbers 28:17
since 1446BC
The Law of Moses 15 Sabbath
Leviticus 23:7
Gospels & Apostles 15 Galilean women rest; Jews ask for sepulchre to be made sure
Matthew 27:62; Luke 23:54-56; Daniel 9:27
  • 00:00 - Jews of Jesus’ day eat Passover meal at correct time
  • 12:00 - Jesus’ 1st night in the tomb ends (night-boundary crossed)
  • 18:00 - Jews approach Pilate for sepulchre to be secured
  • 24:00 - Jesus’ 2nd day in the tomb ends (day-boundary crossed)
Gospels & Apostles 15 Jews hurried to kill before this day, avoiding popularity of early ministry
Matthew 26:5; Mark 14:2; John 2:23; Daniel 9:27
Before Israel entered Egypt The Flood: waters prevailed on the earth 150 days (finish)
Genesis 7:24; 8:3
Israel’s Journey from Egypt 16 Manna ceases under Joshua
Joshua 5:12
The Law of Moses 16 Firstfruits
Leviticus 23:10,11
Captivity in Babylon 16 Esther puts on her royal apparel, stands in the King’s house, 1st day’s feast, Haman seems to triumph
Esther 3:7,12; 5:1
Gospels & Apostles 16 Saturday after Jesus died – another Sabbath; the Galilean women rest
Luke 23:54-56; Daniel 9:27; Exodus 34:21
  • 12:00 - Jesus’ 2nd night in the tomb ends (night-boundary crossed)
  • 24:00 - Jesus’ 3rd day in the tomb ends (day-boundary crossed)
Before Israel entered Egypt 17 The Flood: Ark rests
Genesis 8:4; 7:11
Kings of Judah 17 Hezekiah “rose early” – sin offering for kingdom, sanctuary & Judah
II Chronicles 29:17,20,3
Kings of Judah 17 Hezekiah – song of Yahweh begins with burnt offering
II Chronicles 29:10,25-36,3
Captivity in Babylon 17 Mordecai exalted, given royal raiment
Esther 6:1,14; 7:1
Captivity in Babylon 17 2nd day’s feast, Esther given life, Haman destroyed
Esther 7:2
Gospels & Apostles 17 Jesus rose very early in the morning; appears to many; road to Emmaus
Mark 16:1; Matthew 28:1-6; John 20:1; Matthew 16:21; Daniel 9:27; Luke 24:1,13; John 2:19; Acts 10:40,41; Mark 10:34; 8:31
  • 12:00 - Jesus’ 3rd night in the tomb ends (night-boundary crossed); Jesus rises on the 3rd day (15th, 16th, *17th*) “since these things happened” (Luke 9:22; 24:21)
  • 24:00 - Jesus appears in a room to His disciples (John 20:19)
Gospels & Apostles 17 Jesus seen of the disciples 40 days
Acts 1:3; Daniel 9:27
The Law of Moses 21 Sabbath
Leviticus 23:8
Gospels & Apostles 22 24 Jesus’ 3 days being sought by Mary & Joseph, aged 12
Luke 2:41-43; Daniel 9:27; Luke 2:46
Gospels & Apostles 22 26 Paul’s 5 days’ sailing: Philippi to Troas (on his 3rd journey)
Acts 20:6
Captivity in Babylon 24 Daniel’s vision of a certain man (by Hiddekel)
Daniel 10:4,1
Gospels & Apostles 25 Jesus appears to disciples “after 8 days again” (?)
John 20:26-28; Daniel 9:27; Numbers 6:9-11
Gospels & Apostles 27 Paul’s 7 days at Troas (on his 3rd journey)
Acts 20:6