The Month of Marcheshvan (Bul) in the Bible

The eighth month in the Jewish spiritual calendar is named Bul. In the civil or financial calendar it is the second month and is named Marcheshvan. In a typical year there are twenty-nine days in this month but occasionally there are thirty, if a leap-day is needed to keep the calendar in alignment with lunar events. In the Gregorian (Western) calendar it corresponds to the period from the middle of October to the middle of November. It is the time when grain seed is planted and saw the finish of Solomon's construction of the Temple. The prophet Zechariah issued an appeal to the people to return to the land of Israel and to return to serving God.

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Period Start Day End Day Event Year
Miscellaneous Grain planting
Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:8
Kings of the Twelve Tribes Solomon’s Temple construction (finish, 7yrs total)
I Kings 6:38,1,37; II Chronicles 3:2; Acts 7:47
Kings of the Twelve Tribes Servants/David: Sibbecai (“a weaver”) the Hushathite (“eager with excitement”)
I Chronicles 27:11
Return from Captivity Zechariah ch.1 - appeal to return
Zechariah 1:1
The Law of Moses 1 New Moon: 2x Trumpets blown, solemn feast day
Numbers 10:10; Psalm 81:3; I Samuel 20:18,24; II Kings 4:23; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 46:1; Colossians 2:16; Amos 8:5
The Law of Moses 1 New Moon: Burnt Offerings
Numbers 28:11-15
Kingdom of God (Millennium) 1 New Moon: Burnt Offerings made in the Kingdom
Ezekiel 46:6
Before Israel entered Egypt 10 The Flood: 8 people entered the ark
Genesis 7:1,4,10,11; Matthew 24:38; I Peter 3:20; Luke 17:27; Psalm 104:6
Kings of Israel & Ephraim 15 False feast of Jeroboam in Bethel
I Kings 12:32,33
Before Israel entered Egypt 17 The Flood: Rain begins to fall for world’s disobedience
Genesis 7:11; Matthew 24:39
Before Israel entered Egypt 17 The Flood: Rain falling 40 days
Genesis 7:11,12,14
Before Israel entered Egypt 17 The Flood: waters prevailed on the earth 150 days (start)
Genesis 7:11
Before Israel entered Egypt 27 The Flood: Earth fully dry
Genesis 8:14,13; Psalm 104:9
Grain seed.
Seed by Pexels, Pixabay