Full Settings Reference
This page contains a complete reference of all of the settings available in the app on the Settings page.
Very cccasionally a setting might be listed on this page that doesn't appear in your app just yet. When your app next next updates itself, it will show the new setting.
Licence status - this panel will show you whether you are using a trial licence and when it will expire. The panel will appear green with a thank you message if you have purchased a lifetime license of the app. You can read a little more about this on our download page.

Theme and Design
Theme - Select the Light or Dark theme for the app. If you choose “Default” then the app will use the theme from your Windows Personalization Settings that is shared by all apps.
Use compact navigation bar - Switching this setting on will reduce the spacing between navigation items in the navigation bar a little. This might be useful for devices with small displays. Changing this setting won't take effect until the app is closed and re-opened.
Show daily readings in navigation bar - Switching this setting off will hide the “Today's Readings” section from the navigation bar. This might be useful if you use a different daily readings scheme or want more space for your own bookmarks. If you do use a different daily readings scheme, please use the Feedback feaure to let us know the scheme and we can look at adding it to the app - including a link to a webpage about the scheme would be ideal.
Open when app starts - When the app starts up, it opens a new tab. From this setting you can choose what to display in that first tab. The default is “First daily reading”.
New tab content - After the app has started and opened the first tab, you can open further tabs. This setting allows you to configure what is shown in those subsequent new tabs. The default is the “Browse menu”. Another powerful option might be the “Search page” as from there you can browse to all Bible books and perform searches.
Strong's numbering - Switching this option on will show Strong's numbering of the original Hebrew and Greek words in-line with the English text of the Authorized Version (King James Version) of the Bible. This can be make it harder to read the English, so you can also leave this turned off but view a specific verse in Study View mode instead to see Strong's numbers just for that verse.
Show infrequently occurring word counts - For any Strong's numbers that don't appear very often in Scripture, the app can show a number in brackets after the Strong's number. This is the count of times that the word appears in the whole Bible. Often the author of the Bible uses the same word in multiple contexts to teach a common principal behind those contexts, or to illustrate aspects of a type or shadow of Jesus. Clicking the word count will perform a fast search showing all uses of that word.
Show for words occurring less than (times) - Allows the above feature to be customised so that you can show it for more frequently occurring words, or for less frequently occurring words.
Notes from Times & Seasons - The Times & Seasons section of the app contains events from the Bible arranged in calendar or timeline views. These events are also listed in the normal Bible Reading View underneath any related verses. You can turn these off with this setting if they are distracting.
Notes from Places - Provides links in Bible Reading View next to verses that refer to places. Clicking the link shows a list of events that happened in that place, along with a link to open a map showing the location. You can turn these notes off in Reading View if they are distracting and still see the information by clicking Places in the navigation bar on the left to open the map.
Photographs, pictures, illustrations and diagrams - A very small number of archeological photographs, diagrams, illustrations and tables are included in the app. These are shown in the Bible Reading View next to a small number of relevant verses. This setting allows you to turn these off if they are distracting.
Continuous scrolling - When navigating to a chapter, the app will continue to load further chapters until the device's screen is more than full of content. Swiping sideways will cause further chapters to load. This allows you to continuously swipe or scroll through neighbouring chapters and even books in either direction. You can turn this off to speed up the loading of the first chapter, which may help save resources on less capable devices.
Always open references in a tab - Normally clicking on a reference link will open a temporary pop-up showing a quick view of the reference, assuming your device's screen is large enough. If you would rather always open references fully in a new tab, you can tick this setting.
Text size - One of the advantages of using a device to read the Bible is that you can set the size of the text just right and adapt it as you grow older. You can pinch-to-zoom on any reading page to change the size of text and graphics temporarily just for the currently open tab. You can also use this slider on this Settings page to set a new text size that is remembered across different tabs in the app, and is also remembered when the app is closed and re-opened.
Versions and Sources
This section lists all of the included translations and paraphrases of the whole Bible (both Old and New Testaments). Each translation can be turned on or off to show or hide it in the Bible Reading View. Configuration of notes from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is included here too. The King James Version can't currently be turned off - it is the base translation that is always shown (drop us a note using the Feedback feature if this is a problem for you).
For each translation available, the following display-modes can be set.
Not displayed - The text (Bible translation, paraphrase or set of notes) is not displayed at all.
Standard column - The text is shown in a dedicated column in a normal size. It appears alongside the King James Version.
Small column - The text is shown in a dedicated column but in a smaller size than the Standard column option. It can appear similar to a margin showing an alternative rendering of each verse. Useful for comparing translations quickly whilst remaining focused on the King James Version when reading.
Standard row - Each verse from the text is shown in a dedicated row underneath the same verse from other versions. It is displayed in a normal size.
Small row - Each verse from the text is shown in a dedicated row underneath the same verse from other versions, but it is displayed in a smaller size than the Standard row option. Useful for displaying many alternative versions whilst helping the eye stay focused on the King James Version when reading.
Versions and sources - Old Testament only
This section lists translations that only apply to the Old Testament, such as the Septuagint. For each translation, the same option as are described in the previous “Versions and sources” section apply.
Versions and sources - New Testament only
This section lists translations that only apply to the New Testament, such as various original Greek sources. For each translation, the same option as are described in the “Versions and sources” section apply.
Allow me to create my own notes when reading Bible passages - if this setting is turned on, then any notes, margin shading and word highlighting that you create yourself are shown alongside Bible verses as you read. You can hide these (without deleting the notes files) by turning this off. If this option is turned off, some Notes menu commands are not available in Reading View.
When this option is turned on, you also need to configure a location to save your notes in using the next next setting. You can read this page for more help getting started with your own notes and configuring the folder.
Choose a folder to keep my notes in - before notes features can work, you need to choose a folder on your computer to save the notes in. You can create a folder in Microsoft OneDrive and return to this app to choose that new folder. You should choose a folder that is initially empty.
Show my highlighted words - this setting will show or hide any text highlighting that you've added to your electronic Bible. Useful if you've made good use of the text highlighting feature but want to temporarily turn highlights off to read the text again plainly. Turning this setting off also hides the text highlighting commands from the bottom of the Bible reading view. You can read more about text highlighting here.
Show notes from other chapters when reading Bible passages - this setting affects notes that you create against a Bible verse and, in that note, refer to a verse in a different chapter. If this setting is enabled then your note will appear against the verse you created it against but also will appear when you browse the other chapters mentioned in your note. This is useful to create a single note that relates multiple verses together, for example by following the different uses of a particular word. It saves you having to navigate to each chapter in turn to create a dedicated note against each verse. You can read a little more about this on the page explaining how to create a new note.
Teaching Tips
The app occasionally shows pop-up tips introducing new features. You can hide each tip permanently by ticking an option when each tip appears. If you want to reset the tips to see them all again, you can do so here using this “Reset tips” link.
The app doesn't store or send any personally-identifiable information about you. However, if you choose to allow it, then the app will record how often you use certain features and will record detailed information about any problems or faults that you experience whilst using the app. We use this fault-identification information to release fixes and improvements to the app that benefit everyone. If you give your permission in this setting then you may find that a fault you experience is fixed automatically in an update two weeks later.
You don't need to give your permission in order to use the app, but we won't know if you have a problem. You can change your permission at any time using this setting. You can also read our Privacy Policy here.
There are no configurable settings in this section, it is purely for information.
Share this app with a friend by sending them this web page link - opens the homepage of this website. You can copy the site's address from your browser address bar to send it to a friend, or use the Share functionality built into your web browser.
Application details - shows the name and version of the app that you have installed. Also shows a link to the Microsoft Store web page that you can use to read more about the app or to purchase it.
Acknowledgements and credits - read acknowledgements of all of the sources of data used in the app apart from our own.
Advanced diagnostics details - technical information occasionally useful for support purposes.