Customise View Reference
When reading Bible passages, you can temporarily change settings that only apply to the open passage that you're reading. For example you might want to turn on Strong's numbering to study the chapter, but you don't want to turn them on for all tabs. Or you might want to turn off your notes and highlighting so that you can read the Bible with fewer distractions, but you want your notes to be shown if you open a new tab.
These settings can all be changed just for the current passage by clicking or tapping “Customise View” in the command-bar at the bottom of the window. If you can't see “Customise View” try tapping the three-dots to open the menu of commands that couldn't fit on the your device's screen.
If you're looking for a full reference of all settings found in the full Settings area of the app, not just the settings you can change temporarily whilst reading, see the full Settings reference page instead.
Reading View
Show Strong's numbers in Authorized Version - Ticking this option will show Strong's numbering of the original Hebrew and Greek words in-line with the English text of the Authorized Version (King James Version) of the Bible. This can be make it harder to read the English, so you can also leave this turned off but view a specific verse in Study View mode instead to see Strong's numbers just for that verse.
Show infrequently occurring word counts - For any Strong's numbers that don't appear very often in Scripture, the app will show a number in brackets after the Strong's number. This is the count of times that the word appears in the whole Bible. Often the author of the Bible uses the same word in multiple contexts to teach a common principal behind those contexts, or to illustrate aspects of a type or shadow of Jesus. Clicking the word count will perform a fast search showing all uses of that word.
Show for words occurring less than (times) - Allows the above feature to be customised so that you can show it for more frequently occurring words, or for less frequently occurring words.
Show notes from Times & Seasons - The Chronology section of the app contains events from the Bible arranged in calendar or timeline views. These events are also listed in the normal Bible Reading View underneath any related verses. You can turn these off with this setting if they are distracting.
Show notes from Places - Provides links in Bible Reading View next to verses that refer to places. Clicking the link shows a list of events that happened in that place, along with a link to open a map showing the location. You can turn these notes off in Reading View if they are distracting and still see the information by clicking Places in the navigation bar on the left to open the map.
Show pictures and diagrams - A very small number of archeological photographs, diagrams, illustrations and tables are included in the app. These are shown in the Bible Reading View next to a small number of relevant verses. This setting allows you to turn these off if they are distracting.
Show custom notes in the Reading View - if ticked, then any notes, margin shading and word highlighting that you create yourself are shown alongside Bible verses as you read. You can hide these (without deleting the notes files) by unticking this box. If this option is unticked, some Notes menu commands are not available in Reading View.
When this option is ticked, you should also configure a location to save your notes in using the link below this option. You can read this page for more help getting started with your own notes and configuring the folder.
Show my text highlighting - this setting will show or hide any text highlighting that you've added to your electronic Bible. Useful if you've made good use of the text highlighting feature but want to temporarily turn highlights off to read the text again plainly. Turning this setting off also hides the text highlighting commands from the bottom of the Bible reading view. You can read more about text highlighting here.
Text size - One of the advantages of using a device to read the Bible is that you can set the size of the text just right and adapt it as you grow older. You can pinch-to-zoom on any reading page to change the size of text and graphics temporarily just for the currently open tab. You can also use this slider on this Settings page to set a new text size that is remembered across different tabs in the app, and is also remembered when the app is closed and re-opened.